
Our Governance solutions provide decentralized decision-making processes, allowing stakeholders to actively participate in shaping the direction of the platform. Through transparent voting mechanisms and smart contract governance protocols, users have a voice in determining protocol upgrades, parameter adjustments, and asset listings, fostering community-driven development and ensuring the long-term sustainability of DeFi ecosystems.

Automated Market Making (AMM)

Leveraging our AMM technology, users can seamlessly trade digital assets on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) with minimal slippage and liquidity risks. Our AMM algorithms dynamically adjust token prices based on supply and demand, enabling efficient price discovery and liquidity provisioning for a wide range of assets. Whether you're a liquidity provider seeking yield opportunities or a trader looking for instant and permissionless asset swaps, our AMM solutions offer unparalleled efficiency and reliability.


Our secure and transparent Voting mechanisms empower users to participate in governance decisions, protocol upgrades, and community initiatives. Through intuitive interfaces and cryptographic protocols, stakeholders can cast their votes on proposals, elect representatives, and drive consensus-driven decision-making processes. With our voting solutions, we facilitate open and inclusive governance models that prioritize the interests and preferences of the entire ecosystem.

Leveraging the full potential of mobility in enterprise plays a key role in driving success. Our team creates a targetted roadmap for maximizing the reach of your solutions. We start gathering the requirements with brainstorming to list important business factors. Once finalizing functionalities, we suggest the best-in-class technology stack for optimum performance. Experience professional enterprise mobility consulting with our robust working methodologies like:

  • Agile strategy building methodology to cover a broad range of targetted data.
  • We design scalable enterprise mobility architecture for faster integrations and upgradations.
  • Robust data security planning and management to ensure privacy remains intact.
  • Modularized development strategy for smoother resource utilization and management.

Be it Android, iOS, or hybrid enterprise mobile solutions, our team has professional skills in all mobility frameworks. We use modern front-end technologies including React and Angular for lightning-fast responsiveness. Creating custom mobile backend using Firebase, Appcelerator, or Kinvey, we integrate complex business functions seamlessly. Migrate important business solutions into portable mobility and let your people do more things faster with our advance development approach including:

  • Wireframe creation for finalizing a top-notch user interface.
  • Building multiple robust prototypes for initial application experience.
  • Iterative designing and development approach for enhanced customer UI.
  • Full utilization of enterprise mobile app management life cycle for best performance.

Implementing a managed mobility architecture for a business is a complex process. We have made it simple through our personalized MDM (Mobile Device Management) architecture. Manage your resources better with powerful tracking for your mission-critical projects. Experience streamline mobility solutions to let your team do more in less time. Optimize operational costs and resources with our powerful managed mobility offerings:

  • Integrate BYOD (bring your own device) functionality for cost optimization.
  • Reduce on-site downtime with centralized cloud-based data architecture.
  • Real-time inventory management solutions through mobile applications.
  • Multi-layer data encryption integration to transmit data with top-notch security.

Regulate business-sensitive information in a controlled manner with our multi-layer MIM systems. Manage access policies and data sensitivity easily from your mobile. We provide Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM) integrations to protect your business-to-business data transaction. Our team brings in rigorous compliance to ensure data integrity with secure centralized management. Grow your business confidently with our secure implementations like:

  • Multi-factor authentication and authorization controls.
  • Integrate independent data sharing compliance for your team.
  • Real-time information synchronization with faster file transfer.
  • Centralized remote data wipe functionality to maintain security.

Leverate real-time monitoring and data protection integrations to operate your business without worrying about data privacy. We integrate secure data management policies and communication protocols to maintain mobile app security. We use secure cloud-based data synchronization technology to make sure data remains safe all time. Increase the mobile application life-cycle by eliminating any potential bug in important data. Achieve optimum enterprise mobility performance with our all-around security approaches that include:

  • Safer cloud-based data architecture to keep real-time data untouched.
  • Integrate important data safety compliances like GDPR in a hassle-free way.
  • All-time data availability from anywhere through secure data channels.
  • Timely security checks and maintenance to ensure optimum performance all time.

Our Defi Governance AMM Voting Development Services

Smart Contract Development

We design and deploy smart contracts that govern voting processes, stakeholder participation, and decision-making logic, ensuring transparency and integrity in governance activities.

AMM Integration

Our experts seamlessly integrate automated market maker (AMM) mechanisms into your governance platform, allowing users to stake their tokens and vote on proposals with ease and efficiency.

Frontend Development

We craft intuitive and user-friendly frontend interfaces that enable users to interact with the governance platform, browse proposals, cast votes, and track voting outcomes in real-time.

Testing and Deployment

Before deployment, we rigorously test your governance platform to identify and resolve any issues or bugs. Once thoroughly vetted, we deploy the platform to the blockchain network of your choice, ensuring a smooth and seamless launch.

Why Choose Seven Bits Technologies?


We are committed to pushing the boundaries of DeFi technology, continuously exploring new features and functionalities to enhance the user experience.


Our robust security protocols and smart contract audits ensure the integrity and safety of DeFi platforms built on our technology stack.


With our scalable infrastructure and modular architecture, developers can easily customize and scale their DeFi applications to meet growing user demands.


We prioritize community engagement and collaboration, fostering an inclusive ecosystem where developers, users, and stakeholders can contribute and thrive.

Get Started with Seven Bits Technologies Today!

Ready to embark on your DeFi journey? Explore our comprehensive suite of solutions for Governance, AMM, and Voting, and unlock the full potential of decentralized finance. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a budding entrepreneur, Seven Bits Technologies is your trusted partner for building the future of finance, one block at a time.

Join us in revolutionizing decentralized finance with Seven Bits Technologies!

Leveraging the full potential of mobility in enterprise plays a key role in driving success. Our team creates a targetted roadmap for maximizing the reach of your solutions. We start gathering the requirements with brainstorming to list important business factors. Once finalizing functionalities, we suggest the best-in-class technology stack for optimum performance. Experience professional enterprise mobility consulting with our robust working methodologies like:

  • Agile strategy building methodology to cover a broad range of targetted data.
  • We design scalable enterprise mobility architecture for faster integrations and upgradations.
  • Robust data security planning and management to ensure privacy remains intact.
  • Modularized development strategy for smoother resource utilization and management.

Be it Android, iOS, or hybrid enterprise mobile solutions, our team has professional skills in all mobility frameworks. We use modern front-end technologies including React and Angular for lightning-fast responsiveness. Creating custom mobile backend using Firebase, Appcelerator, or Kinvey, we integrate complex business functions seamlessly. Migrate important business solutions into portable mobility and let your people do more things faster with our advance development approach including:

  • Wireframe creation for finalizing a top-notch user interface.
  • Building multiple robust prototypes for initial application experience.
  • Iterative designing and development approach for enhanced customer UI.
  • Full utilization of enterprise mobile app management life cycle for best performance.

Implementing a managed mobility architecture for a business is a complex process. We have made it simple through our personalized MDM (Mobile Device Management) architecture. Manage your resources better with powerful tracking for your mission-critical projects. Experience streamline mobility solutions to let your team do more in less time. Optimize operational costs and resources with our powerful managed mobility offerings:

  • Integrate BYOD (bring your own device) functionality for cost optimization.
  • Reduce on-site downtime with centralized cloud-based data architecture.
  • Real-time inventory management solutions through mobile applications.
  • Multi-layer data encryption integration to transmit data with top-notch security.

Regulate business-sensitive information in a controlled manner with our multi-layer MIM systems. Manage access policies and data sensitivity easily from your mobile. We provide Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM) integrations to protect your business-to-business data transaction. Our team brings in rigorous compliance to ensure data integrity with secure centralized management. Grow your business confidently with our secure implementations like:

  • Multi-factor authentication and authorization controls.
  • Integrate independent data sharing compliance for your team.
  • Real-time information synchronization with faster file transfer.
  • Centralized remote data wipe functionality to maintain security.

Leverate real-time monitoring and data protection integrations to operate your business without worrying about data privacy. We integrate secure data management policies and communication protocols to maintain mobile app security. We use secure cloud-based data synchronization technology to make sure data remains safe all time. Increase the mobile application life-cycle by eliminating any potential bug in important data. Achieve optimum enterprise mobility performance with our all-around security approaches that include:

  • Safer cloud-based data architecture to keep real-time data untouched.
  • Integrate important data safety compliances like GDPR in a hassle-free way.
  • All-time data availability from anywhere through secure data channels.
  • Timely security checks and maintenance to ensure optimum performance all time.
Phone :
+65 89001102

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Whether you're looking to explore blockchain technology, develop high-performing decentralized applications, or leverage the power of emerging technologies, we're here to help

Address :
30 Cecil Street,#19-08 Prudential Tower,
Singapore -049712, Singapore.
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